
Sampurna is established and managed by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, who are a part of the worldwide Montfortian family founded by St. Louis Marie de Montfort in France in the early years of the 18th Century. They became an autonomous society in 1842, and ever since have been pioneers in the field of general education, vocational education and the education of the disabled. In India, the Montfort Brothers have pioneered in the field of counselor training and services.

Today, the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel work in 35 countries in all the continents of the world. September 11th 1903 marked its foundation in India, with the arrival of three French Brothers at Pondicherry. At present there are 555 Brothers serving in 159 institutions in 21 states of India, addressing the needs of general and vocational education, providing training for the hearing impaired, visually impaired as well as catering to other differently abled children. The Brothers are also involved in fighting for the rights and development of Tribals, Dalits and urban poor, and creating harmony and peace among religions and social groups. In the quest to create a just and fraternal world, the Montfort Brothers are guided by Montfort’s Motto: God Alone.


The mission of Sampurna is expressed in its logo ‘liberation with enlightenment.’ Sampurna aims to develop competent and integrated individuals who are well equipped to provide contextually relevant services that contribute to the well being of society. The management, staff and students of Sampurna work towards making this mission a reality through its academic, clinical and extension programmes.

What they say about Sampurna:

“Sampurna gave me a lot of space to unravel myself. To go deep within the cobwebbed caves of my past. With a lot of help I realized that I was actually lost there. But in those musky caves I not only found myself again, I found my way out.”

“The concept of holism that Sampurna exudes facilitated me to evolve not only in terms of knowledge but also on the banks of spirituality, assisted me to go within the deepest avenues of myself and all of this has made me more aware of not only myself but the world around me. Its helped me broaden my world view and has equipped me as professional.”

“The diversity in the subjects taught has given me a wide array of knowledge. The individualized attention in skills training and the emphasis on personal awareness are the hallmarks of the course. All this has not only made me a good counsellor but has made a better person.”